Roy Schestowitz Finds Treasure Trove of Small Change Hidden in a Vintage Chair

By Edward I. Cibula

Roy Schestowitz spotted the mid-century modern emerald-green chair in the window of the Salvation Army Store and was immediately smitten with its retro charm. “I knew right away I had to have it” Schestowitz said, adding that it was the kind of vintage find that “you just can’t get at Ikea.” After paying $20 for the period piece, he loaded it up on the roof of his car and took it home. There it sat home until one fateful night when Roy became curious about several lumps under its cushions. After brief investigation, Schestowitz discovered a literal treasure trove of quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, hair and food detritus tucked...

Coffee Cleanse: Schestowitz Discovers Morning Coffee Leads to More Regular Bowels By Edward I. Cibula

A major gastroenterological discovery was made today by an amateur research, Mr Roy Schestowitz.

Roy Schestowitz Turns From Idiot to Savant After Being Hit on the Head By Johanne Stewart

Roy Schestowitz becomes a genius after a hard knock on the head gives him Acquired Savant Syndrome.

Bowel Bacteria Miracle! Hospital Mired in Ethical Scandal After Delivering Roy Schestowitz a Life-saving Fecal Brain Injection By Rufus Mordox

Roy Schestowitz was your everyday nobody, toiling fruitlessly away at life, until he ended up in the hospital as a guinea pig for specialist doctors trying a bold experimental intervention.

The Golf Swing Heard Around the World: Roy Schestowitz Delivers the Ultimate Slice By Edward I. Cibula

Roy Schestowitz, an amateur golfer, terrifies US President and his Security Guards

Roy Schestowitz’s AI System Commits Suicide After Watching Terminator And Matrix Triologies By Rufus Mordox

There may be some debate over who invented the Internet, but it’s a fact that Roy Schestowitz is the only individual who has ever built a self-aware artificial intelligence network.

After 15 Years of Involuntary Whistling, Roy Schestowitz Gets a Second Wind By Rufus Mordox

Who knew being a whistle-blower could be such a pain? Ask Roy Schestowitz, who is finally able to breathe and sleep peacefully after having surgery to remove a whistle he swallowed 15 years ago.

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