Economists everywhere are turning their attention to ..., an ordinary citizen with a remarkable talent for identifying market behavior and offering vague blanket predictions. While 2013 Nobel prize-winning economists Eugene Fama and Robert Shiller might devote their entire careers to ideological disagreements over the predictive validity of the term ‘economic bubble’, ... loses no sleep over how the concept of a bubble is employed in discussing the state of the economy. Whether assessing home prices or considering the cost of a Starbucks latte, complaining about the prices of airline tickets or movie popcorn, ... has been able to effectively reduce the complexities of the economy into a simple maxim: everything expensive is overvalued.

Since the dot-com crash of the 1990s and housing crash of the 2000s, economists and citizens alike have been drawn to the term ‘bubble’. The term is generally used to describe a wildly speculative and risky market that is at imminent risk for popping, crashing, or facing a financially devastating ‘market correction’. ...’s groundbreaking insight has been to apply the term more broadly, using it to define anything that seems like it just costs too much. “The price of gas, groceries, parking tickets--they are all bubbles that will, sometime in the future, come crashing down. I fully expect that any day now people will wake up, smell the roses, and realize that these prices are crazy.” ... cautions that it is best not to overpay for things like Lululemon yoga pants until the Lululemon yoga pants bubble bursts. “Once everybody agrees that everything costs too much, then and only then will we go back to a reasonable cost of living, $1.50 a gallon gasoline, and see the end of this speculative hullabaloo.” Experts in the field have been flocking to ...’s school of thought, adding that it is probably better to buy low and sell as a bubble inflates than to buy during a rapidly inflating bubble and wait for a market correction.

...’s gift for eyeballing the price of a good and determining if it is too expensive (and therefore a bubble) or reasonably priced (and therefore a stable market) arose unexpectedly when he first heard the term bubble bandied about on business talk shows. “I heard a bunch of talking heads going on and on about whether or not the economy was heading into another bubble. I was like ‘obviously’. Have you seen how much my utilities are?” Finally, others are starting to take note of ...’s penetrating understanding of market forces. ... insists that his insights come naturally. “You don’t have to tell me all about irrational exuberance--have you tried shopping at Whole Foods?” Amidst endless discussion, revised predictions, alarmist warnings and bullish assurances, ... maintains a clear-eyed vision of what the future holds for the economy. “Just give it time and soon enough, things will go back to costing what I think they are supposed to.”